Intergenerational Tailoring Project
Older persons in Entebbe, Uganda have come together using a strengths-based approach called Community Life Competence Process. CLCP brings generations together, taps into strengths and supports people’s roles as change agents as they work to improve the health of the whole community.
Older persons groups in collaboration with youth have developed a tailoring project. Creating this intergenerational women-led social enterprise will empower women of all ages, build their leadership skills, and generate income.
Younger and older women - working together - will run this project. They will co-create opportunities for generating income, strengthening their decision-making and leadership skills and enhancing the quality of life in their communities. Participants will receive the training to lead the project. In addition, they will be empowered to manage a group social enterprise focused on tailoring beginning with learning how to make sanitary pads which will be for personal use and income generation.
We are raising $15,000 for the intergenerational tailoring project.